Saturday, April 30, 2005
busy busy busy.
no time to blog. will be back when i've got the time. *promise
Qeite < 1:47 AM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Everybody I know who has a dog usually calls the dog names like "Rover" or "Spot". I call mine Sex.
Now, Sex has been very embarrassing for me. When I went to the City Hall to renew the dog's license, I told the clerk that I would like a license for Sex. He said, "I would like to have one too!" Then I said, "But she is a dog!" He said he didn't care what she looked like. I said, "You don't understand. ... I have had Sex since I was nine years old." He replied, "You must have been quite a strong boy."
When I decided to get married, I told the minister that I would like to have Sex at the wedding. He told me to wait until after the wedding was over. I said, "But Sex has played a big part in my life and my whole world revolves around Sex." He said he didn't want to hear about my personal life and would not marry us in his church. I told him everyone would enjoy having Sex at the wedding. The next day we were married at the Justice of the Peace. My family was barred from the church from then on.
When my wife and I went on our honeymoon, I took the dog with me. When we checked into the motel, I told the clerk that I wanted a room for me and my wife and a special room for Sex. He said that every room in the motel is a place for sex. I said, "You don't understand. ... Sex keeps me awake at night." The clerk said, "Me too!"
One day I entered Sex in a contest. But before the competition began, she ran away. Another contestant asked me why I was just looking around. I told him that I was looking for Sex as I was going to have Sex in the contest. He said that I should have sold my own tickets. "You don't understand," I said, "I hoped to have Sex on TV." He called me a show off.
When my wife and I separated, we went to court to fight for custody of the dog. I said, "Your Honor, I had Sex before I was married but Sex left me after I was married." The Judge said, "Me too!"
Last night Sex ran off again. I spent hours looking all over for her. A cop came over and asked me what I was doing in the alley at 4 o'clock in the morning. I said, "I'm looking for Sex." -- My case is coming up next Thursday.
Well now I've been thrown in jail, been divorced and had more damn troubles with that dog than I ever foresaw. Why just the other day when I went for my first session with the psychiatrist, she asked me, "What seems to be the trouble?" I replied, "Sex has been my best friend all my life but now it has left me for ever. I couldn't live any longer so lonely." and the doctor said, "Look mister, you should understand that sex isn't a man's best friend so get yourself a dog."
Qeite < 3:36 PM
do i really attract indians..?to describe her type would be like to suscribe a model magazineher slender slim figure could trigger flames of envy immediately unsuspectingly without the use of kerosenefunny as she can be, this honey lacks ignoranceand is incredibly friendlymake no mistake she could take on what's my gaze that can be deadlyher sweetness laced with sugar coated smile inflicts weakness among many menas u try until u bend her will or break her shieldthough i doubt so u canday by day carries her tray constantly works without intervals or restkeeps her eyes on the prize and my dear fren will settle for nothing but the bestsomeday you'll sway away to my rhyme and back rockin beats as i yearn to singthis little lady who's cute as a baby is no other then tan wei ling.a poem that an indian wrote for me. i know i'm supposed to be feelin grateful and touched or anything positive, but i rather not get this kinda shit. i do not know that people still try to impress people of the opposite sex thru the composition of poems. haha.

does my face really speak of "i'm an indian lover?!"

all these as well?!

aNd this?! well, everyone says it doesn't look like me. tsk tsk.
ferget about it! indians come forward n i'll pull out ur chest hair. every single strand of 'em.
did u all check out
mr brown's website? it's fuckin hilarious that i'm addicted to it. no doubt it's silly n dumb but his website really cracks me up. but i don't understand!! he's so fuckin old already, with a family and yet he has time to blog every single day without fail and do up a mr brown's show with podcast together with his frens, most of the time, mr miyagi. gosh i dun understand!~
chilli crabs, i'm coming for u!! meetin the laydeez for chilli crabs at amk later!! hiakss..!
Qeite < 2:29 PM
Saturday, April 16, 2005
i've got... emmanuel's number!!!!!
life has never been so wonderful... i've actually got emmanuel's number!!! hiakss.. so anybody who's willing to name a high price for the hottie's number may just drop me a line... hhehe!!
well anyway, i just got back from my orientation with fish n co. but nothing much interests me except the lunch. yea, we went down to the ever woweefyin' glasshouse n had loads of shit... the whole line, seafood platter, fish n chips, fettucini, salads, mussells n not forgettin' their funny drinks. whoa. there r actually 2 mgt trainees from romania n they're a pretty interesting pair of men, i would say. pretty lazy to type further bcos my abdominal cramp is just drivin' me crazy so...
Qeite < 3:25 PM
Friday, April 15, 2005
my boyfriend is so lucky.guess who my sweetie had an interview with today? the chef i fantasize most!!
EMMANUEL STROOBANT!!!i can't believe it! he's sucha lucky boy to be able to talk to him...! gosh! n he refuses to help me to take a picture of my sexy man!! meanie!! arGhs. never mind. at least i've seen him in real as well!!! i can still recall how i gawked at him when i first met him!! hahaha.
anyway, i met ember today!! she's becoming so so so so so so so attractive now. tsk tsk!! she looked all so radiant now, with that special glow on her face...! so never underestimate the true power of *LovE*. =) thank u so much ember, for accompanying me down to shenton way to get my yukky typhoid jab. now my left arm is aching from shoulder to the tip of my middle finger. gRr.
yUPssss... we went on a heritage tour to... chinkee town!! yaYy..! n it was sooo enjoyable cos this girl i hang out with is so cool!! with her wacky ideas i didnt have time to be bored. haha. elaineeee came to meet us later n we headed down to liang court's meidi-ya supermarket. n settled down at our usual kopi joint,
starbucks. hiakz.laine, i don't know when things r gonna turn out alright fer ya, but hang in there, okie? i can't say much i know and i can't do much neither. u just gotta take what cissy always say n apply it on yourself "believed in me" hahah. i know made u laugh with that. =P frog leggie porridge was nice, with the beefy hor fun n har jiong gai; we'll go newton circus next for some sizzlin' stingray okie! SMILE ler!
i think i lost 300 grammos today. ember made me did quite a bit of walking today, that l'il elf.
one more b4 i submit this entry!

u r so fuckin' cute, i think i've just fallen in love with u!!!
Qeite < 1:06 AM
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
n yesterdae was my best fren's birthday.happy birthday cyndi...! well, cissy elaine n i celebrated our best fren's birthday on sunday. n i can't believe that the girl who topped "i'm the latest girl" category actually happened to be one of the earliest to reach orchard...!! n me, who's always the earliest, turned out to be the latest! omg! this can't be happening..! but well, i had to get her a sunflower before i see her that's why! wanted to get her favourite gerberas, but i didn't quite like 'em so i got her a huge sunflower that signifies frenship!! n guess what? while i was on the train holding the sunflower, a mum was educating her daughter...
mum: girl, this is a big flower.l'il girl: *reciting* a big flower.mum: yes, a big flower. but it's a fake one. not a real one.what the hell... how in the position can this mum teach her daughter when she made a statement like that! it was a fuckin REAL sunflower okay.. n it doesn't broaden her daughter's knowledge by saying that it's a big flower anyway. hey, anyone can tell that it was a big flower! duh! but this flower is so famous that everyone knows it's a SUNflower. goodness. i am ashamed.but anyway... i shall not dwell on that. tsk tsk. after meeting the girls, we had sucha hard time thinking where to dine and decided to settle down with spageddies. not a bad idea. i am starting to eat vegetables. *telling myself* yum yum. vegetables are delicious food. euLgh. whatever. oh yea, and we had salad, lobster, crayfish, chicken, oh yes pizza and of course, how can we do without pasta when dining in an italian kitchen! ehehe. pretty nice tho n we saw dear louis with his bf!!! *screams out to louis* u look sooooo goooooood now. eheh!
we're all becoming lazy. lazy. lazy. didn't feel like walking at all! gosh. n ended up sitting ard at coffee club to have some drinks n some cakes and lousy chocolate fondue. *Pui* nothing beats max brenner's!
how i missed the times when we just hanged out like that n talk non stop about life and just rant n rant n rant about almost anything and everything. we're gonna do this so less often now.. gEe.. we can't seem to be like how we were when we were younger..! having no worries no nothing, just study, chill, home, etc. who needs to care a hoot about "oh no, so what m i gonna do after graduation?" tsk tsk. by any case, i'm so gonna miss all of you, my best frens, my poly mates.. everyone...! probably the next time i see most of you is what... chenchin's 21st birthday? eHehe.!

she's my best friend, best of all best friends do u have a best friend too? ahaha. cyndi yammie pieeeee...!

from left: cissy, cindy, elaine n me... taken last year at embassy. look how our hair used to look as tho it came from the same hair organisation if there's one.
well, these 2 pics were taken last year during cyndi's birthday. pity we didn't take any pictures this year!! tsk tsk! lurve u loads hunnie..! =)
Qeite < 2:21 AM
Thursday, April 07, 2005
ever seen a shootin' star?There are many little chunks of rock present in space. Their sizes range typically from the size of a grain of dust to the size of a golf ball (the latter being more impressive in the night sky, but also more rare). As the Earth moves around the Sun, it will run into some of these small rocks that collide with the atmosphere at great velocities. Going through the atmosphere they begin to heat up, start to glow, and then burn down. This is what we see when we look at a shooting star (which we call a meteor).
There are millions of such particles colliding with the atmosphere every day (I mean day and night). But since you can only see them at night, and you can only look at a small part of the sky at once, when stargazing you can expect to see a shooting star every 10 to 15 minutes.
This is on a regular night. When we get meteor showers, we get many more. A meteor shower happens when the Earth goes through a region of space that is especially filled with dust and chunks of rock. Therefore we get many more meteors at these times. More precisely, meteor showers happen when Earth, on its way around the Sun, passes through the path of a comet. That's because as a comet orbits near the Sun, it starts to melt down and ejects on its path lots of dust and chunks of rock. The yearly meteor showers are caused by this. In any given night, you can also see more shooting stars (in fact about twice as many) just before dawn. That's because at dawn we are facing the direction in which the Earth is moving, so we intercept more of the stuff in space.
i love shootin stars! they never fail to amaze me all the time! ehehe. well putting meteor showers aside, i think i've seen shootin stars twice, n like i say,
i think. bcos it always makes me think if i
really spotted it!! dey come by n vanish in a split second n u wouldn't know if that's what u really think it is. it's funny how ppl in the shows have got time to even make wishes upon shootin stars. tsk tsk!
Qeite < 2:05 PM
Monday, April 04, 2005
oh! some silly photos which i thot i'd share wif u guys. ehhe
there's my dear mama who finally knew how to strike a beautiful smile in front of a camera.. look how pretty she can get!

i always think i look nice in photos after taking it n deleting it again n again till i achieve a nice picture. haha

n this beautiful girl whom i took a picture of some time back at starbucks tampines. her dad looks like a mafia tho. took me some courage to take the picture alright..

finally, my sweetheart when he fell darrrrn sick n i had to rush all the way to his place at 4 am in the morning just to take care of him. he insisted on taking a photo of himself looking sickly. blrgh.
Qeite < 10:57 PM
n i caught the wedding date today.
suckie show... typical girl hires an escort to spite the ex bf and ends up fallin in love with the escort. dOinKz. but well, make sure u watch movies till u drop dead until the end of this month bcos ticket prices r gonna go sky high wif 1 may 05 onwards..! 50c increase during weekdays n a dollar during the weekends! imagine going to the movies on a saturday n paying 9.50 for a ticket! guys r gonna go so broke to bring a girl out on a date!! tsk tsk!! not forgetting that they have to pay for dinner as well n to send the girl home!! goshhh...! guys gotta be rich to be able to afford a girl now huh? but den again.... times have changed... girls seem to be picking up the tabs now i realised... hahahah
gotta run now.. ciaos. =)
Qeite < 10:10 PM
Saturday, April 02, 2005
happy belated april fool's.
elaine n i were somewhere near tampines mrt station when a man came up to us.
man (with his hand behind him): if i say i'm a robber n i'm gonna rob u now, would u believe me?
he looks like one, no doubt. and he talks like one as well.
me (tugging elaine's hands): sorry... *walks off real fast*
elaine was keepin quiet all the while...
man: no wait!!! aHAHa. HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S! flashin' a disgusting smile.
now, that wasn't amusing at all. he did that stint in an attempt to sell some coupons which weren't at all enticing to us. plus the fact that he ain't cute at all didn't help him to secure any deal with us. tsk tsk. bladdy bastard.
anyway, went to catch spanglish with joshua yesterday!! i so wanted to catch that show but it turned out to be quite a disappointment. plot wasn't exactly great, wasn't really funny, but having adam sandler star in it kept me seated throughout the show. i love him...! well it's really hard for me to give good ratings for movies so... u guys may still wanna catch it. hehe.
did u all know that my two supposedly male hamsters gave birth to 1 baby? hmm.. n the amusing part is that the dad is a white hamster, the mum's a grey one and the baby turned out to be a brown one. n!!! she gave birth to only 1 hamster! n i thot hamsters usually give birth to more than 2 babies.. btw, the baby hamster is reaaaaaaaallllllllly cute!! it's learning to eat solid food like its parents now. growing up real fast. ehehe.
i'm going to tp's design show at timberlux center later in the morning bcos my dear fren cissy, is showcasing her designs during one of the fashion shows. i'm looking all forward to it!! =)
oh yea. one last thing. home-made rostis are really easy to make! everyone will fall in love with it! just grate the potatoes, add some butter, salt n pepper to taste n start frying it! it's daaaat easy! =D
Qeite < 2:25 AM